Screenshake for hitting enemies, or making an impact. Squashing and stretching of the player when jumping and landing, giving the game a better feel. Juice : Game enhancing features like player dust for jumping, landing and walking.Includes Combo Attacks (light and heavy), Double Jump, Block, Crouch, Crouch Block, Death and Knockback abilities. Player State Machine : A system which makes building your player quick and easy, as it allows faster bug resolution.One Way Platforms : Allows the player to drop through tiles, or jump up through them.Settings for wait time, speed, distance and slow down. Moving Platforms : My system uses fast Tile Based Collisions to move multiple platforms either Horizontal, Vertical or Circular.Tile Based Collisions : Tiles offer the fastest collision system in Gamemaker.This is a tile based platform engine which uses efficient tiles for instance collisions, as well as incorporating those efficiencies into horizontal and vertical tile layer moving platforms. If you want the title to blink straight to spinning, you can set this value to 0.Tile Based Moving Platform Engine for Gamemaker For a long slow fade, choose a longer time.

TitleFadeOutTime: The amount of time in seconds that the Title will take to fade out after the delay time ends.

That means that both the Effect Start (When you first open the effect) and the Video Record Start (when you press the record button in TikTok) will trigger this reset process. Notice that Start and Video Record Start are both signaling this input.It can also begin the animation of the title fading out, and the randomizer to start spinning (Tap to Spin can change this behaviour slightly as well). Start: The start input is a trigger/signal that will reset the effect and it’s animation back to the Title Question.